Novembre 2020 – Osteoporosis Management in the era of COVID-19 Leggi tutto

Dicembre 2020 – Influence of anti-osteoporosis treatments on the incidence of COVID-19 in patients with non-inflammatory rheumatic conditions Leggi tutto

Gennaio 2021 – Perspective: Vitamin D deficiency and COVID-19 severity – plausibly linked by latitude, ethnicity, impacts on cytokines, ACE2 and thrombosis Leggi tutto

Febbraio 2021 -Pain symptoms in patients with coronavirus
disease (COVID-19): a literature review Leggi tutto

Marzo 2021 – Environmental Substances Associated with Osteoporosis–A Scoping Review Leggi tutto

Aprile 2021 – Non-surgical management of knee osteoarthritis: comparison of ESCEO and OARSI 2019 guidelines Leggi tutto

Maggio 2021 – How has COVID-19 affected the treatment of osteoporosis? An IOF-NOF-ESCEO global survey Leggi tutto

Giugno 2021 – Nutrients and Dietary Patterns Related to Osteoporosis Leggi tutto

Luglio 2021 – Efficacy and safety of antidepressants for the treatment of back pain and osteoarthritis: systematic review and meta-analysis Leggi tutto

Settembre 2021 – Desametasone e Covid-19.Il nuovo fascino di una vecchia signora Leggi tutto

Ottobre 2021 – Immune-boosting role of vitamins D, C, E, zinc, selenium and omega-3 fatty acids: Could they help against COVID-19? Leggi tutto

Novembre 2021 – Osteoporosis care amidst the prolonged pandemic Leggi tutto

Dicembre 2021 – Recent advances in targeted drug delivery for treatment of osteoarthritis Leggi tutto

Gennaio 2022 – Vitamin D and COVID-19: a narrative review Leggi tutto

Febbraio 2022 – Prevalence of Vitamin D Defciency and Its Relationship with Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Fibromyalgia: a Systematic Review of the Literature Leggi tutto

Marzo 2022 – The Effects of Vitamin D on Immune System and Inflammatory Diseases Leggi tutto

Aprile 2022 – The Effects of Vitamin D on Immune System and Inflammatory Diseases Leggi tutto

Maggio 2022 – Long COVID: rheumatologic/musculoskeletal symptoms in hospitalized COVID‑19 survivors at 3 and 6 months Leggi tutto

Giugno 2022 – Nutrition and Women’s Bone Health Leggi tutto

Luglio 2022 – How Diet and Physical Activity Modulate Gut Microbiota: Evidence, and Perspectives Leggi tutto

Agosto  2022 – A possible antidepressive effect of dietary interventions: emergent findings and research challenges Leggi tutto

Ottobre 2022 – A literature review to understand the burden of disease in people living with tumour‑induced osteomalacia Leggi tutto

Novembre 2022 – Exercise and Nutrition Impact on Osteoporosis and Sarcopenia The Incidence of Osteosarcopenia: A Narrative Review Leggi tutto

Dicembre 2022 – Dairy products and bone health Leggi tutto

Gennaio 2023 – Interaction between bone and immune cells: Implications for postmenopausal osteoporosis Leggi tutto

Febbraio 2023 – Vitamin D in the older population: a consensus statement Leggi tutto

Marzo 2023 – Effects of Vitamin D on Cardiovascular Risk and Oxidative Stress Leggi tutto

Aprile 2023 – The Role of Nutrition in Chronic Disease Leggi tutto

Maggio 2023 – Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and Cancer Risk: A Systematic Review of Mendelian Randomization Studies Leggi tutto

Giugno 2023 – Editorial: Rickets and osteomalacia, from genes to nutrition Leggi tutto

Luglio 2023 -Osteoporosis: An Update on Screening, Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Treatment Leggi tutto

Agosto 2023 – Male Osteoporosis Leggi tutto

Settembre 2023 – Dietary Vitamin D Intake in Italian Subjects: Validation of a Frequency Food Questionnaire (FFQ) Leggi tutto

Ottobre 2023 – Dietary recommendations of the French Society for Rheumatology for patients with chronic inflammatory rheumatic diseases Leggi tutto

Novembre 2023 – Dietary Vitamin D Intake in Italian Subjects: Validation of a Frequency Food Questionnaire (FFQ) Leggi tutto

Dicembre 2023 – Osteoimmunology of Spondyloarthritis Leggi tutto

Gennaio 2024 – Exercise to Prevent and Manage Frailty and Fragility Fractures Leggi tutto

Febbraio 2024 – The Influence of the Mediterranean Dietary Pattern on Osteoporosis and Sarcopenia Leggi tutto

Marzo 2024 – Evidence-Based Guideline for the management of osteoporosis in men Leggi tutto

Aprile 2024 – The Influence of the Mediterranean Dietary Pattern on Osteoporosis and Sarcopenia Leggi tutto

Maggio 2024 – Vitamin D regulates microbiome-dependent cancer immunity Leggi tutto

Giugno 2024 – Irisin and Its Role in Postmenopausal Osteoporosis and Sarcopenia Leggi tutto

Luglio 2024 – The Critical Role of Physical Activity and Weight Management in Knee and Hip Osteoarthritis: A Narrative Review Leggi tutto

Settembre 2024 – Suboptimal osteoporosis care in hospitalized patients: a retrospective analysis of vertebral compression fractures detected on computed tomography Leggi tutto

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